Berkeley Collegium Funded Projects

Faculty Projects funded by the Collegium Grant Program

Each year the Berkeley Collegium awards grants for faculty and staff projects that further the goal of narrowing the gap between teaching and research at UC Berkeley. Recipients receive funding over a one- to two-year grant period and will be asked to complete a brief report at the end of the second year.

2024 Recipients

  • Michael Zuerch and D. Kwabena Bediako, Chemistry - "Material-sensitive Nanoscopy Center for Undergraduate Research"
  • Hildy Fong Baker and Stefano Bertozz, School of Public Health/Center for Global Health Delivery, Diplomacy and Economics - "Empowering the next generation of infectious disease researchers through immersive opportunities in scientific publishing"
  • Michal Shuldman, Integrative Biology - "From Hurdles to Horizons: Beginning a Journey of Discovery of Biology @ Cal Through Authentic Explorations of Strawberry Creek"
  • Mohamad Mahdi Hallal and Ziqi Wang, Civil and Environmental Engineering "Data-Driven Discovery in Civil and Environmental Engineering: A Research-Enriched Pedagogical Experience for Undergraduates"
  • Joel Wanek, Geography -Deep Listening: Sonically Mapping Bay Area Creeks"
  • Jun Sunseri, Anthropology - "Low Impact Community-Accountable Archaeological Methods to Build Capacity for UC Natural Reserves Indigenous Co-Management"

2023 Recipients

  • Annaliese Beery, Integrative Biology - “Development of a research-based course on the biological basis of behavior”

  • Christopher Martin, Integrative Biology - “Exploring genomes and kelp forests through course-based undergraduate research” 

  • Jamila Cobham, SanSan Kwan, Ray Oppenheimer, Theatre, Dance, & Performance Studies - “Creative Connections: Mentoring Undergraduate Students for Careers in the Arts and Entertainment Sector”
  • Jennifer Bussell, Political Science/GSPP - “The Politics of What We Wear: A Collaborative Research and Teaching Initiative”
  • John DeNero, EECS - “Lab section attendance collection at scale”
  • Rebecca Egger and Stephen Best, Townsend Center for the Humanities - “Townsend Honors 
  • Rudy Mendoza-Denton and Aileen Liu, Psychology and L&S Division of Undergraduate Studies - “L&S 1: Research, Discovery, and You”
  • Sara McMains and Sara Shonkwiler, Mechanical Engineering - “Integrating 3D Printing AI Design-for-Manufacturing Feedback Research into a Manufacturing Class”

2022: Eighth Cohort

  • Alexa Koenig and Stephanie Croft, Law - “​​Diversifying Tech Pipelines: Recruiting and Peer Mentoring of Human Rights Digital Investigators”

  • Christine Hastorf, Anthropology - “Expanding Archaeological Training and Research Opportunities: The ARF Field School”

  • David Broockman and Andrew Little, Political Science - “Discovering Data in Political Science: Funding for New Course Development”

  • Mark D'Esposito, Psychology - “ULAB Research Opportunity Program”

  • Michelle Douskey and Angy Stacy, Chemistry - “ChemAvengers Curriculum Assessment Project” [co-funded by Berkeley Discovery]

  • Pablo Gonzalez, Ethnic Studies - “Racial Justice and Technology: Bridging the Digital color line through podcasting and Augmented Reality”  [co-funded by Berkeley Discovery]
  • Simo Makiharju, Mechanical Engineering - “Undergraduate research experiments doubling as course demos, and contributing to outreach”
  • Zakaria Al Balushi, Materials Science and Engineering - “Integrating optical characterization into undergraduate materials processing education and research”

2021: Seventh Cohort

  • Dimitrios Zekkos, Nicholas Sitar, and Robert Kayen, Civil and Environmental Engineering - “Bringing the field experience in the classroom: Augmenting Education in Natural Disasters using Virtual and Mixed Reality”

  • Julie Shackford-Bradley, Legal Studies - “Truth and Reconciliation in California: Possibilities and Challenges”

  • Linda Isaac, Cognitive Science - “Probing the Electrical Brain: Increasing Undergraduate Access to Neuroscience”

  • Michael Zuerch, Friedrich Sommer, and Michael Lustig, Chemistry/EECS/Center for Computational Biology - “Versatile Radio Frequency Experimental Station”

  • Thomas M. Devine, Materials Science and Engineering - “3-d Printing with Low Melting Point Metals”

  • Thomas M. Philip and Lisa Hirai Tsuchitani, Education/Ethnic Studies - “Community-engaged research experiences on educational equity and justice issues impacting Asian Americans”

2020: Sixth Cohort

  • Anibel Ferus-Comelo, Public Policy/Labor Center - "Race and Housing In-Security"

  • Coco Auerswald, Public Health - "The Youth Equity Scholars (YES) Research Enrichment and Mentorship Program"

  • David Harding, Sociology - "Scaling Undergraduate Research through Tiered Mentoring: A Pilot Project"

  • G. Cristina Mora and Eric Schickler, Institute of Governmental Studies - "Democracy Research and Public Service Internships"

  • Kevin Weiner, Psychology - "A browser-based tool for teaching students how to identify tertiary sulci in human cortex"

  • Linda Isaac, Cognitive Science - "Probing the Brain: Neurophysiology for Undergraduate Teaching & Research"

2019: Fifth Cohort

  • Qing Zhou, Psychology - “Engaging Undergraduate Students in Psychological Research with Immigrant Families”

  • Rebecca Abergel and Katherine Shield, Nuclear Engineering - “Practical Skills Enabling Undergraduate Research in Science and Engineering”

  • Rebecca Tarvin and Peter Sudmant, Integrative Biology - “Developing a research-based genomics course with the UC Berkeley squirrels”

2018: Fourth Cohort

  • Carl Boettiger, Environmental Science, Policy, and Management - “Conducting Research at the Frontier of Global Change & Data Science”

  • Irene Bloemraad, Sociology - “Mapping Spatial Inequality–Immigrants in Poverty and Community Services”

  • Iryna Dronova, Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning - "Empowering urban design innovation using cutting-edge environmental science tools"

  • John Arnold, Anne Baranger, and Teresa Head-Gordon, Chemistry - “Expanding Research Opportunities for Chemistry Undergraduates: Computational Chemistry for Transfer Students (CC-TS)”

  • Sabrina Agarwal, Anthropology - “The UCB Anthropology Undergraduate Bioarchaeology Research Experience”

2017: Third Cohort

Report of the Third Cohort of Grant Recipients

2016: Second Cohort

Report of the Second Cohort of Grant Recipients

2015: First Cohort

Report of the First Cohort of Grant Recipients