Berkeley Collegium Grant Program

2025 Call for Proposals

Berkeley Collegium’s 2025 Call for Proposals: Building Teaching and Research Connections

The Berkeley Collegium is pleased to issue a call for proposals to create and expand opportunities for undergraduates to engage in research and discovery.  At our world-leading research institution, faculty are committed to intellectual discovery and creation, and faculty likewise strive for excellence in their teaching. Now in its 10th year, this grant program joins research and teaching by supporting faculty projects that introduce students to the methods, practices, dispositions, challenges, and joys of research and discovery. The program dovetails with broader campus efforts around Discovery by offering a laboratory to develop and test out curricular and co-curricular activities, programs, and courses that provide undergraduates with Discovery opportunities.

Submit the 2025 Application


All Berkeley faculty (Academic Senate members, adjunct faculty members, and lecturers) and Berkeley staff are invited to apply in response to this call for project proposals. We also encourage collaboration between faculty, staff, and students, where appropriate.

How to Apply

All applications must be submitted via the Collegium Grant Proposal form by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 28, 2025Award recipients will be notified by mid-May 2025.

Scope of Funding

The Collegium aims to fund up to six projects of up to $20,000 each over a one- to two-year grant period depending on the nature of the project. More grants may be funded if budgets are under the $20,000 maximum. Strong budget justification is needed and the Collegium particularly welcomes proposals that leverage our funding to attract support from other sources as well.

For an existing project, grant funds should not be viewed as replacement funding, but rather should be targeted toward expanding or improving (e.g. adding a new component to) the project. The focus is on undergraduates, but proposals may incorporate graduate and postdoctoral students if relevant. 

Criteria for Selection

Proposals will be evaluated according to several criteria, including, but not limited to:

  • The proposal should articulate how the project bridges teaching and research at the undergraduate level

  • The proposal should create, improve, or expand undergraduate access to meaningful Discovery activities (research, community-engaged scholarship, entrepreneurial endeavors, creative projects, etc.)

  • The proposal’s potential to connect students to each other and the intellectual life of the university

  • Projects high in feasibility, cost effectiveness, impact, scalability (i.e., capable of being scaled up to involve more students), and sustainability (i.e., capable of being continued past the funding period) will be evaluated more favorably

  • The proposal should articulate the key learning outcomes and impacts of the proposed project, as well as the process for assessing the degree to which these outcomes and impacts are met (impact can be defined in terms of number of students involved and/or in terms of depth of impact)

  • The proposal should consider challenges to future sustainability and/or scalability of the proposed project, and possible ways to overcome such challenges

  • Especially encouraged are highly innovative and creative projects and projects that foster diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging

Types of Projects

Based on historical experience, most awarded projects have fallen into one of the six categories listed below; however, other kinds of projects are welcome and will be given full consideration:

  1. Adding a substantive research component to an existing undergraduate course

  2. Developing a new undergraduate course with a substantive research component

  3. Adding a new component to an existing undergraduate research program or opportunity

  4. Increasing the number (and/or sub-groups) of undergraduates who can participate in an existing undergraduate research program or opportunity

  5. Creating new infrastructure or a new program for undergraduate research opportunities

  6. Building an assessment component to document or measure students’ outcomes, experiences, or engagement with research and discovery

Specific examples include:

  • Undergraduate research mentoring program whereby advanced undergraduates, graduate students, postdoc and/or alumni are paired with undergraduates who are interested in obtaining research experience

  • Course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) whereby faculty guide students in independent or team research projects; CUREs offer an opportunity to explicitly integrate research and teaching and scale the number of students on campus conducting original research

  • Develop, support and integrate curricular components infused with new technologies or media (e.g., podcasting, augmented reality, artificial intelligence)

  • Research conference to give undergraduates training and experience in the communication of research

  • Incorporation of a field study component into an existing or new course

  • Using one of the various collections available on campus (e.g., the Bancroft Library collections, Hearst Museum collections) as the foundation for a research-based course or co-curricular research opportunity

Types of Expenses that can be Funded

The award funds may be used to:

  • Hire one or more GSRs (GSR benefits, including fee remission, when applicable, should be included in budgetary calculations) or undergraduate student workers

  • Fund the cost of workshops or conference-related registration and travel fees

  • Fund the cost of project-related supplies

  • Offer students small monetary incentives to encourage participation

  • Purchase instruments and equipment not available through campus-wide licenses that directly support the project

The funds cannot be used to:

  • Pay stipends to GSIs or pay salaries of career or casual staff members (non-student titles)
  • Purchase or update standard software or software packages already licensed by campus
  • Reimburse expenditures made prior to award conferral

Reporting Requirement

Funded applicants will be asked to submit a short progress report at the end of each year. These short reports should describe the current status of the project and what funds have been spent thus far and how. A final report will be due at the end of the grant period. At the end of the grant period, the allocated budget should be fully expended. Any remaining funds must be returned to the Collegium or a strong rationale must be provided in order to retain funding beyond the end of the grant period.

Finally, funded applicants may also be asked to present their projects to Collegium members and other interested parties (e.g., key administrative staff with an interest in undergraduate education) to share the progress and outcomes/impacts of their projects. Presentations will typically happen during a showcase event at the end of the spring semester of either the first or second year of funding (depending on the status of the project).