Teaching Resources

The Division of Undergraduate Education (UE) supports UC Berkeley faculty with a range of instructional resources, including consultation, digital design services, facilities and equipment, and technology support. Programs and services are offered through Research, Teaching, and Learning Services (RTL) and other UE units.

Teaching and Course Support

98 and 198 Special Studies Courses

Information for faculty who are considering approval of 98 and 198 Special Studies courses facilitated by undergraduate students, including DeCal courses.

AC Course Spotlight

The American Cultures (AC) Center works with instructors of new AC courses to develop promotional videos to spread awareness of their course with the campus community, especially potential students.

Academic Accommodations Hub

Provides academic accommodations resources for students, faculty, and staff to ensure all students have a fair chance at academic success.

Flexible Instructional Strategies

Establishes evidence-based instructional strategies to meet students where they are.

Center for Teaching & Learning

Offers consultations on any topic related to teaching and learning, as well as grants, workshops, learning circles, awards and recognition programs, communities of practice, resources for teaching and learning, and information on campus policies related to instruction.

Creative Discovery Fellows Program

Helps instructors incorporate creative assignments into the American Cultures (AC) requirement, Berkeley’s undergraduate social justice graduation curriculum.

How to Support Undergraduate Students in the Event of Instructional Disruption

Guide for instructors to support undergraduate students’ learning in the event of instructional disruptions. 

Remote Proctoring FAQ

Frequently asked questions and resource for instructors proctoring remotely.

Research, Teaching, and Learning Services

Website to help keep your teaching moving forward with new approaches, effective strategies and resources, and best practices.

Teaching Guides and Resources

Helps instructors take a goal-oriented approach to course planning with opportunities to collect evidence of student learning throughout a course.

Teaching in Summer Workshop

Introduces best approaches to teaching an intensive six- or ten-week summer course at UC Berkeley. Hosted by the American Cultures (AC) Center, topics include strategies for managing extended summer class time, what to expect from summer student enrollment, the specifics of the AC curriculum requirement, and teaching to issues of racial and economic justice in diverse classrooms.

Teaching and Working in Troubled Times

Series of timely dialogues elevating some of the most pressing social and political questions that enter our lives and our classrooms. The series is co-hosted by the American Cultures Center, Academic Innovation Studio, Center for Teaching and Learning, and Division of Equity & Inclusion.

Teaching with Wikipedia

The American Cultures Center hosts information for faculty on getting started with teaching with Wikipedia, including Wikipedia course structure, guidance, flexibility, and how to sign up, as well as Wikipedia pedagogy.

Instructional Technology

Academic Innovation Studio

Provides resources and support for instruction and research through signature programs and events, support for research and academic needs, facilities for multimedia production, equipment checkout services, and spaces for collaboration and quiet work.

Professional Development

Lecturer Teaching Fellows

Provides UC Berkeley lecturers with an exceptional opportunity to work individually, or in teams, to build teaching and learning tools, templates, and resources for both their individual courses and the entire campus community. Ten to twelve lecturers are selected annually to participate in a series of workshops and seminars focused on teaching and learning. Participants receive grants of $1,500 each for instructional improvement applied to their home department account.

Presidential Chair Fellows Grant Program

Provides an opportunity for a team of two or more faculty members from a department to develop, improve, transform, and examine core areas of the undergraduate curriculum. The grant program will fund up to four projects, up to $20,000 per year for two years.

Teaching Excellence Colloquium

Offers new UC Berkeley faculty the unique opportunity to engage with new faculty peers, explore shared teaching interests, and conduct peer observations of classroom teaching. Faculty who participate throughout the year will be provided a course improvement grant of $2,000, a certificate, and a letter from their dean in support of their next merit review.

Networks and Communities

Berkeley Collegium

Faculty group charged with fostering innovation and excellence in undergraduate teaching at UC Berkeley. The Collegium leads the identification and development of new ideas, supports their implementation, and assesses their success. It also partners with other campus organizations that would benefit from its advice and assistance.


Email forum, moderated by faculty, for exchanging information, advice, tips, and general talk concerning teaching at Berkeley. Subscription is restricted to Berkeley faculty and staff.