Dear campus instructor,
We write to request your voluntary participation in a confidential survey on adjustments for students, including accommodations for students with disabilities, in your courses. It is designed to improve the campus’s awareness of your needs, to record any best practices you wish to share, and to give you an opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas.
UC Berkeley has played a key role in the movement to support students with disabilities. In addition, the number of students registered with the campus’ Disabled Students’ Program (DSP) has risen dramatically; at present over 6,000 students are registered with DSP and over 4,520 are enrolled with DSP this semester. In addition to enhancing our awareness of your needs, the results from the survey will be used to advocate for increased financial support to the Regents, UCOP, and the State Legislature. Accessing the survey requires CalNet authentication; however, your survey responses will be confidential, and results will only be reported in the aggregate.
Over the past decade, the campus’s awareness of the need to provide adjustments for students who are ill, suffering bereavement, or experiencing other challenges beyond their control has dramatically increased. The increased access your flexibility provides is invaluable to our students. We hope the survey will provide greater insight and guidance to the campus on how we can improve our support of instructors. Please use the link below to take the survey or copy and paste this link into your browser:
The survey will close on Tuesday, October 10. If you have any questions about the survey, please email Thanking you in advance for your participation in the survey and for all that you are doing to support our students and our campus.
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
Maximilian Aufhammer
Lisa García Bedolla
Sharon Inkelas
Dania Matos
Victoria Plaut
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