Dear Instructors,
We write to inform you of some changes to the end-of-term teaching evaluations. These changes were endorsed at the end of the 2021-22 academic year by the Divisional Council (DIVCO) of the Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate.
As discussed in additional detail in a letter from DIVCO to the former Vice Provost for the Faculty, the first three changes pertain to providing complete sets of student narrative comments in faculty merit and promotion cases, peer review of teaching in threshold and other merit cases, and the provision and assessment of teaching dossiers. Additional senate statements and reports on evaluation of teaching can be found on the Academic Senate website.
The Senate also endorsed changes to the end-of-term evaluations. The following three questions will replace all currently required questions:
- The instructor’s lectures, facilitation of classes, and/or office hours and help sessions enhanced my learning. (“Learning” may include gaining mastery of course content and new skills, exposure to new methodologies and modes of critical thinking, and extending the ability to express oneself on the topics treated in the course.)
- The assignments were well designed to help me understand the course material and gain a deeper perspective on the subject.
- The instructor created an environment in which I could feel included (for example, encouraged multiple voices/perspectives, welcomed questions and critiques, responded to student feedback).
These three questions will be scored on a seven-point scale with a not-applicable (N/A) option.
The Senate’s changes have now been implemented in the online system used to evaluate teaching. Instructors and units can add optional numerical and narrative questions, including the questions on course worth and teaching effectiveness that were used previously.
The Graduate Council's Advisory Committee for GSI Affairs is in the process of making recommendations to the Graduate Council about specific changes the campus should consider regarding teaching evaluations for GSIs.
We encourage instructors to use mid-semester evaluations; the Center for Teaching and Learning is available to support instructors on mid-semester check-ins. If you choose to perform a mid-semester evaluation, you can supplement your survey with the three new questions. If your unit has not opted into the online system for mid-semester evaluations, we suggest using an anonymous Google form or Qualtrics.
Thanking you for your invaluable work in support of our students and the academic mission of our campus.
Fiat Lux!
Mary Ann Smart
Chair of the Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate
Victoria Plaut
Vice Provost for the Faculty
Lisa García Bedolla
Vice Provost for Graduate Studies and Dean of the Graduate Division
Oliver M. O’Reilly
Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
This message has been sent to all Deans, Chairs, Instructors, Graduate Student Instructors, and Chief Administrative Officers.