Sent on behalf of the Charlene Conrad Liebau Library Prize committee
To the undergraduate and instructor communities,
As we approach the end of the spring semester, we encourage undergraduates with strong library-based research projects to apply for the Charlene Conrad Liebau Library Prize for Undergraduate Research, which celebrates significant inquiry using the Library, its resources, and collections.
The prize is open to Berkeley undergraduates from any discipline and class level, and includes a cash award ($1,200 upper division; $950 lower division) with multiple possible winners in each category. We especially encourage submissions from lower division students, whose projects are judged separately from those of upper division students. Students who have completed research projects in previous semesters are also encouraged to apply.
To be eligible, research projects must have been completed in a credit course at UC Berkeley during one of these terms:
- Lower division: Spring 2022, Summer 2022, Fall 2022, or Spring 2023
- Upper division: Summer 2022, Fall 2022, or Spring 2023
Application instructions and additional details are available under “Application Procedure” on the Berkeley Library website. The application period closes Monday, April 17, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time.
Thank you for helping us find and celebrate the best library-based undergraduate research on campus.
Gisèle Tanasse & Jennifer Brown
Co-Chairs, Charlene Conrad Liebau Library Prize for Undergraduate Research
This message was sent to all undergraduates, instructors, and graduate student instructors.